making it to the gas station on “E”

At home in Long Island, a few Mobil stations scatter the streets of my usual paths around town. (I have a Mobil card, so it’s easiest o go to an Exxon or Mobil station so I dont have to worry about cash.) Whenever I get less than half full, I tend to fill up my tank. … More making it to the gas station on “E”


There are few things in life that leave me as happy as snuggling with someone. Of folding myself into a ball and wedging my tucked body against someone else’s. Of laying long and lean against someone for a hug, knowing exactly where my body will settle comfortably against theirs. I know not everyone is as touchy-feely as … More cuddles

the h-word

The Dalai Lama says “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” Ghandi says, “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” When I read these two statements, I see some similarities. Both men explain that to be happy, you — you yourself — … More the h-word